“Batphone” Serval Mesh Free Communications App

Serval Project Website

I present to you the most disruptive little piece of software in the globe’s communications industry. This software is essential to be installed in your phone, The Serval Project‘s mesh Batphone app. You can get it from here: https://apkpure.com/the-serval-mesh/org.servalproject

You need to give permission to install this app

It permits your phone to communicate with others when all communications infrastructure has been taken down by force majeur. You don’t need 3/4G, you don’t need a WiFi connection, nothing. As long as the phones you want to communicate with all have the Serval Project mesh “Batphone” app installed, then your call will bounce from phone to phone, all which are in close enough proximity to each other, to reach the person you want.

The Batphone creates a “mesh” network with all other cellphones that have the Batphone app installed, nullifying the need for any communications infrastructure.

No more need for phone companies. No more need for wasteful infrastructure that sucks the energy we work so hard to store. Free communication for the world. Get on the train.

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