My business card

Bashir has been researching the global cypherpunks since before the turn of the millennium. They developed encryption technology that was superior to that of the NSA. He kept following up with Bitcoin especially after his first purchase in 2013. He mined Bitcoin and discovered how the node operates. Today he sells Bitcoin payment gateway services.

Sell Your Products Online

Offering to create your e-commerce store or point of sales selling anything you want for Bitcoin sent directly into your wallet without ever incurring any incoming transactions charges. Please see my BTC Web Studio as an example of my work. Your website will run WordPress with email and a Bitcoin gateway paying directly into your… Continue reading Sell Your Products Online

Introduction to Bitcoin Class

Download your first wallet. Make your first transaction. For the complete beginner in Bitcoin, I am offering my 11 years experience working with Bitcoin to introduce BTC to the Bit-curious, and also useful knowledge to be shared with more experienced Bitcoiners. Together in this workshop we will download a Bitcoin wallet from the internet, have… Continue reading Introduction to Bitcoin Class

Zoom Out Patterns: Altcoins Prices Relative to Bitcoin’s. (Part 1/2)

In the charts I have posted screenshots of the historical prices of 4 altcoins all relative to Bitcoin’s price. Below, are the prices of: You notice that even the no. 2 digital currency globally, ETH, exhibits a pattern where the coin peaks in price relative to Bitcoin’s, and then eventually continues towards a downward trend.… Continue reading Zoom Out Patterns: Altcoins Prices Relative to Bitcoin’s. (Part 1/2)

Financial Literacy Day at Al Rayan International School

Thank you Al Rayan International School for hosting me today to talk about Bitcoin. Before starting it was announced that the digital currency course, the one I was tasked to give, was the most popular from all the other different financial literacy courses. Many came up to me after the class telling me that my… Continue reading Financial Literacy Day at Al Rayan International School

Maxi’s Intro to Bitcoin

Join us for Ghana Bitcoin’s 6th monthly meetup where we discuss the fundamentals of Bitcoin investing. Please see the itinerary below: 1) Bitcoin pre-history– The Chypherpunks– Different technologies put together 2) Why invent Bitcoin– Hint in the first block– Currency devaluation– Bank runs 3) Why only Bitcoin– Changing the money vs taking your money– Visualising… Continue reading Maxi’s Intro to Bitcoin

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